Lighthouse Lamp

Just as an afterthought to the Geodesic Light: The Lighthouse Lamp

Lighthouse Lamp

Recently I had a bit of fun playing around with an ultra-big nozzle for 3d-printing. The nozzle in question is a Bondtech CHT nozzle with a 1.2mm opening. This allows to print clear PETG with these very visible ultra-thick lines:

Colorfabb PETG clear on Prusa Mini Colorfabb PETG clear on Prusa Mini

What I am printing there is a circular Fresnel lens as a lamp shade. The lamp shade is working as a diffusor and a lens at the same time.

Fusion360 cross section


Running at full intensity.

Ikea Tradfri bulb

The bulb is an Ikea Tradfri “smart” bulb. Being able to dim the light output is a nice extra.

CNC-cut wooden base

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